We Directly Support The 约翰史密斯船长切萨皮克国家历史步道

The 十大赌博正规老平台 supports work beyond what the National Park Service could accomplish on its own, 包括:改善公共访问, 支持土地保育, 进行文化研究和环境分析, 和 providing outreach that enrich visitors’ experiences 和 create a sustainable future for the Chesapeake Bay watershed.

When Congress established the 约翰史密斯船长切萨皮克国家历史步道, it created opportunities for federal funding 和 conservation efforts in this region. 这条小径与16个国家野生动物保护区相连, 12个国家公园, 以及其他三条国家步道, 和 it serves as a framework for large l和scape conservation. Together with the National Park Service Chesapeake Bay Office 和 our other partners, 我们保护了数千英亩的重要土地, 创建了100多个新的公共访问站点, 和 connected millions of people with the natural beauty of our vast watershed.

这里有一些  of the many examples of accomplishments made possible along the Chesapeake Trail:



还没有对公众开放, Werowocomoco is now a part of the National Park System 和 the John Smith 切萨皮克国家历史步道.

In 2016, Werowocomoco, 这是弗吉尼亚州约克河上的一个历史遗址, was permanently protected by the National Park Service as part of the Chesapeake Trail. This conservation success was made possible in large part by advocacy for the L和 和 Water Conservation Fund (LWCF). Werowocomoco was once the capital of a network of tribes allied under the powerful spiritual 和 political leader known as Powhatan. 数百年来一直是重要的领导场所, it is one of the most significant American Indian sites in eastern North America. While it is not yet open to the public pending a planning process in consultation with local American Indian tribes in Virginia, visitors will be able to appreciate its antiquity 和 spirituality, 并了解其自然和文化历史.


2015年4月, 农业部, 国防, 和 the Interior designated the Nanticoke River 和 its surrounding areas as the 切萨皮克中部哨兵景观.  到目前为止, 项目共保护文物9处,共计1处,164 acres within the Sentinel L和scapes 和 along the river corridor. 保护这些财产的总费用是4美元.2 million 和 includes contributions from state, federal 和 private funding sources. Our partners include the State of Delaware, State of Maryl和, National Park Service, U.S. 鱼类及野生动物管理局, 美国国防部, 帕塔克森特海军航空站, 自然保育基金, 大自然保护协会, 南特科克河流域保护协会, 自然资源保育署, 还有一些私人基金会, 特别是包括Mt. 古巴中心.



梦露要塞, 位于汉普顿切萨皮克湾口附近, VA, 是历史要塞和重点文物遗址吗 约翰史密斯船长切萨皮克国家历史步道. In 2011, President Obama signed a declaration officially establishing 门罗堡国家纪念碑. In 2015, Virginia’s Governor Terry McAuliffe signed a deed transferring state l和 within 梦露要塞 to the National Park Service. The 十大赌博正规老平台 was a key leader in the successful formation of the Monument, 参与总体规划过程, 和 was a strong supporter 和 advocate for the transfer of state l和. 多亏了这些行动, this l和 is protected for future generations while providing much-needed public access to the bay 和 the Chesapeake Trail, 和  梦露‘s vast history, including that of American Indians, Blacks 和 our military.


自2010年以来, we’ve helped add or improve 194 new public access sites in the Chesapeake, like the recently opened Port Royal L和ing fishing pier 和 soft launch. 去探索切萨皮克, residents 和 visitors first need places where they can access it. 切萨皮克98%的海岸线都归私人所有, the Conservancy has made it a priority to partner with the National Park Service Chesapeake Bay Office to develop 和 enhance public access along the John Smith 切萨皮克国家历史步道 as participation in fishing, 划独木舟, 皮划艇和其他娱乐活动继续增长. By working with the National Park Service 和 local partners to establish 和 improve public access facilities for the Chesapeake Trail, we are helping visitors get out on the water 和 view the same l和scapes Captain John Smith experienced over 400 years ago. These partner efforts strive to fill in the gaps in access identified in the 切萨皮克湾流域公共访问计划.



In 2009, former Maryl和 Governor Martin O’Malley 和 the Board of Public Works approved  funds to preserve some of the state’s most historic l和s: five parcels — located in the counties of Cecil (Old Bohemia), Charles (Cedar Point), 伍斯特(福斯特)和圣. 玛丽的新镇颈 & St. 整数)-它们共同代表4,473 acres 和 include nearly 20 miles of Potomac River waterfront. Owned for centuries by the Maryl和 Province of the Society of Jesus, 通常被称为罗马天主教耶稣会, 这些包裹开始出售. By approving the l和s’ purchase with Program Open Space funds – a dedicated source of conservation support – the Board of Public Works ensured that generations of Maryl和ers will experience this outdoor legacy. 十大赌博正规老平台 was a core advocate of protecting this l和.

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